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Life Coaching


​No one makes it through life alone... and you don't have to, either. 

Life coaching offers personalized support for autistic and neurodivergent individuals as they navigate life and adulthood, with the ultimate aim of increasing confidence & quality of life. 


Our Approach​

Our approach is simple - together, we develop goals and brainstorm strategies to reach those goals. Once a plan is in place, weekly coaching sessions provide the skills training, accountability, resources and encouragement needed to stay on track and make real, lasting progress.


Common Client Goals

  • Successful employment

  • Navigating college

  • Improving relationships 

  • Expanding social connections 

  • Improving health 

  • Increasing independence & agency â€‹â€‹


You might benefit from coaching if you... â€‹

  • Want guidance in a particular area of life but aren't sure where to turn 

  • Haven't found the help you need in traditional disability services or counseling 

  • Struggle with seeing a path forward 

  • Aren't sure what your goals are 

  • Know something needs to change but aren't sure what or how 

  • Need help navigating relationships 

  • Want advice/encouragement from someone outside your immediate family â€‹â€‹


Additional Support


Sometimes clients need additional support outside of the 1-on-1 coaching hour. This could look like support during a job interview, attending social events, assistance navigating public transportation or rideshare services, organizing a living space, or anything else related to the client's goals. This goal-specific support may be provided based on the needs of the client and availability of the coach. 




20-min consult call.............................. Free

Intake process....................................... $175

Coaching - in-office or virtual........ $115/hr

Coaching - in-home............................ $140/hr

Additional support............................... $75/hr



Individual as the Expert​

We consider each individual to be the expert of their own lives. While support systems are incredibly valuable, the client receiving services should be the leading voice when developing goals or making decisions. Our coaches help clients find that voice, while also considering the wants and needs of those within their circle.


Coaching vs. Counseling​

First - we love counseling and believe many people benefit from such services! Coaching is not an alternative to counseling, but rather a different type of service altogether. Counselors have a greater focus on exploring and supporting healthy internal processes, where coaches play a more active role in external goals (though aspects of mental health may certainly be included!).  


Coaching vs. Life Skills Training​

Life skills training typically focuses on independent living skills such as cooking/cleaning, laundry, medication management, etc. Though improving such skills may be included in coaching goals, coaching offers a wider scope of potential goals and applies strategies for whole-person, long-term success. 


"Brooke has been great to meet Amanda right where she is and communicate in a way that she has really responded to. She has helped Amanda think through issues she is dealing with and encouraged her to positively work through them and think of how to respond."

- Debbie, Amanda's Mom

Get in touch!

(214) 613-3747

Dallas, TX

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